Tuesday, January 15, 2019

CIS363B Week 2

I haven't changed much from my blog other than colors. But I am hoping this week will be better for me. I work part time at Delta Airlines to make a little money and get travel benefits. But the work is very physical and I work graveyard shift. It is hard to balance life, family, things we want to do. So I have plans on leaving putting a two weeks notice next month. I will use this extra time to focus on school and also prepare for my first daughter which arrives this mid April. Hopefully, I can utilize what time I have to be able to learn as much this week.


  1. Hello Steven. It must be hard to be away from your family flying all the time.

    Working part-time, do you actually fly or are you just working in the airport? Mostly curious, because either way you must meet a lot of interesting.

    Congrats on the new baby by the way. Kids can change your life. Hope it all goes well.


    1. Hey Ashley, Thanks!! I do not fly by myself. I always fly with my wife but now that she is having a baby we do not fly anymore. I only work part time at the airport. But this job is so physically rough and I have to bend to pick up mail couple of hundred times a night or more. It is wearing me down and I need to focus on school and my family. But I have got to see a lot of things while I was in the military and also got to see a lot of things with my wife.


CIS363B Week 7

Hello class, It is good to know that we are coming to our final weeks. I am glad that we do not have a lab this week. All we have to worry...